Thursday, June 25, 2009

SO...i present my rooftop urban garden!

Here are some picks of the peppers I'm growing this season"09. The plants got started at my house about a month ago and the re-potted last Wednesday 17 , 2009 and placed in their final home the rooftop urban garden on top of the Salon dinning room.

On the right a pick from the pepper row and on the bottom Aji Cobincho from Guatemala.


  1. papiii...i love the roof top idea, and full of chiles sounds tasty. Are you growing anithing else in there? let me know if you want to tade seeds of your peppers, I got a good collection.

  2. Hey!...thanks a lot, i will love to trade seeds with you. Maybe some piment d' espellet? from you and some rocoto seeds from me.?

  3. Bill and I started trying to grow some chiles in our backyard. So far the plants look good but I'm hoping for some pointers and advice from you. I'll also be looking forward to trying some of your creations made with the chiles you're growing!

  4. I can wait to cook with them,so far waht I notice on my garden it's that a slow and steady flow of water (drip system) it's very beneficial for growing on pots.The days that i find a plant on the drip system with not enough flow they drup a bit too much water tends to lead to yellowing of the leaf and the flowers can start dropping. I will think that if your plants are on the ground they will tend to hold moisture better. Let me know how they start turnig out.

  5. Looking good! It’s amazing how healthy your plants have grown within an average amount of time. Hmm… It’s been years though, and I wish this rooftop garden is still as stunning and healthy as this. I also hope you were able to add various plants to make it look healthier and more astonishing.

    Randell Jeffries
